Peer to peer lending risks
The basic rule of investing is simple - the greater the potential reward the greater the risk. So it must be clear as day that when crowdlending platforms boast returns in the excess of 10%, there must be great risk present. Stock market's historical average return is around 7%, which is traditionally considered as the best performing asset class.
Should You Hire a Robo Advisor For Your Portfolio?
The majority of money managers can’t beat the S&P 500 so why would you bother using them? If you prefer self-checkout, online shopping and automating your life, then a robo advisor may be right for you. Robo advisors help automate the investment process by removing emotion from the process and building fully diversified portfolios based on your preferences.
Technical analysis: true or false?
What is Technical Analysis?
Technical analysis involves analyzing the market to predict the direction of prices based on past market data. It employs trading rules and models based on volume and price transformations, such as moving averages, relative strength index, inter-market, regressions, business cycles, and more. In simpler terms, technical analysis is the prediction of the direction of the prices based on chart patterns.Others have liked these posts
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